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How often should I buy new men’s boxers?

Be honest – when was the last time you updated your underwear drawer?

Can’t remember?

We promise we’re not judging. In fact, you’re part of the norm. Men are officially pants at buying pants. The average British male only buys new men’s underwear once every 5 years, researchers have found. Some even hang on to them for 20 years or more!

 Man wearing new boxers from Tokyo Laundry


But take a proper look at your trusty old pairs. Yes, they may still be ‘holding up’ and there’s only one tiny hole in the fabric. But admit it – they’re probably well past their expiration date.

So, how often should you really be investing in new men’s boxers? And what are the tell-tale signs that it’s time for an update?


The industry standard for replacing men’s underwear

Nearly all brands and ‘underwear experts’ agree; as a general rule of thumb, you should replace your underwear once every 6-12 months, depending on how many pairs you own.

If you’re a guy who has an entire drawer full of boxers and briefs – with enough pairs for a fortnightly rotation – you’re probably ok to hold on to them for a year. But if you’ve been wearing the same three pairs on repeat for 6 months, it’s definitely time for a clear out.

Why so often?

Well for a start, your boxers get up close and personal with your private parts. Naturally, there’s a lot of bacteria down there, including E.coli – and unless you wash your pants with bleach or boiling water, it can very easily accumulate over time. This bacteria isn’t necessarily bad for your health. It’s just a bit gross – and, in our eyes, a good enough reason to ditch your underwear when recommended.

But regular underwear replacement is more about performance. You don a pair of boxers every single day. They’re bound to suffer more wear and tear than your average piece of clothing. And once they start to age, they won’t provide the comfort and support you need.


New men's underwear available at Tokyo Laundry


3 tell-tale signs it’s time for new boxers

Not sure if it’s time to let go? Just answer the following questions:


1. Do they move around under your clothes?

Men’s underwear should fit like a glove, not an oversized hoody. Over time, the waistband stretches and the fabric loosens. If you feel like your boxers are shifting around under your skinny jeans – not hugging your man-bits like they used to – it’s time to say goodbye.


2. Is the colour fading?

A sure sign they’ve been put through the washing machine too many times. If your boxers aren’t as vibrant or colourful as they once were, throw them in the bin. Similarly, if the fabric is getting thinner or tears and holes are starting to appear, it’s a no-brainer. Get rid and buy new.


3. Are there any visible stains?

Trust us, stained underwear isn’t attractive. If no amount of washing powder will remove that conspicuous stain on the front leg, you’ve got to scrap them. Or maybe your white boxers no longer look so white? As soon as you spot any form of discolouration, take it as a warning sign. You need to update your underwear drawer.

Examples of men's boxers available to buy at Tokyo Laundry

Men’s underwear at Tokyo Laundry

Think your boxers may have expired? Yep, we agree.

 The good news is, we have some fantastic replacements. So why not take a look through our online range?

After all, Tokyo Laundry is the home of men’s underwear. We have an unrivalled selection of men’s boxer shorts to choose from, with styles and colours to suit every man’s taste. And as they’re priced affordably, at just £9.99 for a pack of two, giving your pants drawer a complete overhaul has never been cheaper or easier.

For more information about our men’s boxers, you’re welcome to hit us up any time. We can answer your questions about the products available. Or just tell you more about the benefits of buying new men’s underwear. Just send your message to info@tokyolaundry.com and we’ll get back to you.



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